Tue 24 Sep 2024 7:25AM

Equipment Donation: Modix V3 120x

FB Fletcher Boyd Public Seen by 7

We've been offered a larger 3D printer, specs are here. The printer reported as not currently working, specifically "the printer head is always clogging up".

Notable info:
* Machine size: 1,556 x 1,060 x 1,356
* Bed size: 1,200 x 600 x 640
* Positional accuracy: 10µm x 10µm x 0.5µm
* Filament size: 1.75mm
* Print speed (0.4mm nozzle, from the specs): Normal quality 60 mm/sec, Draft 100 mm/sec

Questions that need answers:
* Do we have the space - If we use the side doors instead of the top it might be possible to use it as a replacement bench for the middle of the lab. (With the other printers on top). ~@fletcher will measure.~ See footprint pics further down the page. It fits ✅
* Can we fix it - @sophiemurday has spare parts for the hot end and extruder assemblies already. Long term it could be swapped to a different head if desired. ✅
* Can we get it into the room - The machine is originally delivered in a kit form. It won't fit through the door in it's current state and would need to be disassembled/rebuilt in situ. @sophiemurday wants to fully inspect it anyway to confirm there's no issues so rebuilding isn't an issue. ✅
* Is the machine power draw worth it. The bed is 1370W alone. - This can be incorporated into the price ✅
* Would members use it. - While it would see less use than our smaller printers we currently don't have a reliable machine above 250, this solves that issue for larger models and full draw gridfinity prints etc. ✅


Sophie Murday Tue 24 Sep 2024 7:39AM

My biggest concern would be size.

Getting it working should be fairly simple, I've got parts on hand for a full tool head rebuild, with a better ABL probe (cartographer)

Space wise, once the printer bench is done and AMSes are underneath, we have more space to fit the a1, XL, trident over there (and 3 a1 minis all together on the black shelving where the mini ans a1 sit currently)

It comes pretty much completely flat packed. So can definitely be disassembled enough to get it in. I'd be inclined to use this as an opportunity to check every component over for wear and damage.

Power draw - 1300 ish watts peak for bed and a 300w brick for thr electronics. Its probably going to idle around 700-800w with PLA.

I think long term, we need to consider pellet extrusion or something more cost effective for members to be able to justify the cost of super big prints.

We could also convert this machine to a full person sized machine with a taller z axis if we wanted, as the modix machines are standardised hardware.

Overall. I think it's more of a "we have this massive printer, come look at the artifactory" than a heavily utilised tool, but I do think many members will get good use out of it for things bigger than the XL is capable of (and much faster, and more reliably)


Tom White Tue 24 Sep 2024 7:42AM

another question i have is software. what firmware does it run? can we interface with it? can we just use bambu or prusa slicer or does it need its own one?


Sophie Murday Tue 24 Sep 2024 8:40AM

@Tom White currently duet, works with prusaslicer. I'd probably put klipper and a cartographer on though


Penny Wood Tue 24 Sep 2024 9:30AM

What's the time frame for such large prints? Would it actually be used that much?

Is there a big use case for huge prints that can't be made in parts (and thus more resistant to print failures)?


Fletcher Boyd Tue 24 Sep 2024 9:52AM

Apart from furniture the primary usecase would be large parts where cosmetics are a significant consideration. Blending multiple joined parts seamlessly is somewhat dificult on larger scales. (Cosplay, display pieces etc). If we go down the pellet extruder route the print speed increase is pretty significant.


Penny Wood Tue 24 Sep 2024 12:18PM

I guess if it's furniture and it's free all good. If it's got significant running costs though then that's a bit different.


Fletcher Boyd Wed 25 Sep 2024 1:40AM

To be clear i mean printing furniture.

Item removed


Fletcher Boyd Wed 25 Sep 2024 5:18AM

Footprint pics:


Ben Connor Fri 27 Sep 2024 7:21AM

No objections from me.


Johannes Chuah Fri 27 Sep 2024 7:38AM

No issues in obtaining it, Also no issues if, once up and running, setting it up in place of the current electronics bench/equipment, (i know all that stuff was just moved back in, but tbh not a huge fan of using that bench anymore, due to crampness) id honestly prefer that room to be 100% 3D printing IF we can find another place to setup an electronics bench elsewhere. Fletcher mentioned printing furniture. any issues with moving the prints out of the room lol? anwyays, leave yas to it.


Lewis Yip Fri 27 Sep 2024 8:11AM

Questions from me:

  • Is there any strings attached in terms of minimum machine retention period, promotion of the donor required, restrictions on disposal, etc.

  • How likely do we think it is that we can get this machine working in a reasonable time (3-6 months)

  • What's the exit strategy if the machine is not working after 3-6 months?

My 2c is that it would be lovely to have a reliable large printer (which the Prusa XL currently isn't).


Fletcher Boyd Fri 27 Sep 2024 8:20AM

  • No written strings attached though if we immediately flipped it on marketplace we'd be unlikely to get a donation from the same section again.

  • Very likely (excluding sophie bus factor)

  • Donate/sell on/strip for parts. I'd be hesitant to put a hard time limit on it until we've look at it though.


Lewis Yip Fri 27 Sep 2024 8:36AM

@Fletcher Boyd in that case it sounds good to me 👍


Fletcher Boyd Sat 28 Sep 2024 8:11AM

Consensus is that this is a go.

I've reached out to our Woodside contact and will update when we know more.


Fletcher Boyd Mon 7 Oct 2024 6:13AM

Printer has arrived. Passing over to @sophiemurday for the next steps.


Fletcher Boyd Wed 13 Nov 2024 10:30AM

Printer has been partially reassembled in the lab. Next steps are being tracked privately as some pieces are proprietary.