Workshop induction

We have previously agreed that we need to create a general workshop induction. This addresses -
Our general requirement to give all participants information that is important for health and safety.
The case where we get new members who have signed up online, have never been in the space, and don't know anything about us. Particularly since our constitution has changed.
To address some recent incidents where people weren't aware of training requirements for tools (lasers, mill in particular).
To generally provide a working knowledge of our culture, procedures, and rules, so that people are set up to succeed, and don't inadvertently violate a rule they didn't know about.
I have prepared a draft of this at . Thanks to Fletcher for helping with this. This is ready for comment.
This draft was prepared based on a very old "orientation checklist", heavily modified.
The idea is to start in the foyer, walking clockwise around the space, pointing at things and introducing topics in a way that makes sense.
E.g. introducing the "dangerous tools and projects" policy when standing in the electronics lab, since most of the dangerous projects tend to be electrical in nature.
The draft introduces two levels of training requirements for tools.
🛂 means that a tools needs a competency check before use. e.g. angle grinder. A competency check means that we either ask the user to demonstrate they know how to use the tool, or we show them how to use the tool.
⚠️ means tool-specific training is required, e.g. lasers, mill.
Some discussion is needed around:
Does the draft cover everything needed?
Who can deliver this induction? (Committee? Any member? "Trusted" members?)
Who needs to do this induction? (members? casual users?)
How do we record that this induction has been completed?
Is this induction a practical length? (Can we deliver it in 30 minutes or less? Is it going to put an excessive amount of load on us?)
How do we bring existing members up to this training standard? (Do we require all members to retroactively do this induction?)

Poll Created Tue 11 Jul 2023 3:03AM
Is the draft workshop induction looking good? Closed Sat 22 Jul 2023 3:12PM
Results | Option | % of voters | Voters | |
Looks good | 50% | 1 |
![]() |
Not sure yet | 50% | 1 |
![]() |
Concerned | 0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 0 |
2 of 2 people have voted (100%)

Fletcher Boyd
Fri 14 Jul 2023 4:24AM
Looks like there's still some outstanding comments etc and sections that need fleshing out

Beau Scott Tue 11 Jul 2023 11:27AM
I've added some comments to the draft. One thing first is to self test committee/trusted tour guides on anything that isn't a registered training.
Add functionality to the kiosk for recording of induction?
Are we blurring the lines between an induction and a tour?

Fletcher Boyd Tue 11 Jul 2023 3:15PM
@Beau re: recording via kiosk - I'm not sure this serves a practical purpose compared to just dumping a note in a Slack channel?

Fletcher Boyd Tue 11 Jul 2023 3:17PM
re: blurring lines - This is somewhat intentional. There's no longer a requirement that new members have even entered the workshop before.

Lewis Yip Tue 11 Jul 2023 3:52PM
RE blurring lines, there's some discretion to judge what's useful and relevant to people.
If it's a new member's very first time in the space, they will genuinely need the tour 😇.
If it's someone who's been around for a while, we can safely skip the discussion of ✨ makerspace ethos ✨.
RE recording the induction, at the end of the day it needs to go into TidyHQ, however dumping a quick note in Slack (as we currently do for laser training) is easy and gets the important part of the job done.

Beau Scott Tue 11 Jul 2023 10:25PM
RE recording inductions, if it will need to be translated to tidyHQ regardless, then slack note will obviously be fine. I was more thinking if there was functionality for the kiosk to directly record into TidyHQ, saving time overall

Fletcher Boyd Fri 14 Jul 2023 4:32AM
Re recording inductions: In order to record direct to TidyHQ we'd need a search function that allows you to find the tidyhq contact you want to interact with. A publically accessible kiosk would be problematic for such an interface imo

Fletcher Boyd Tue 11 Jul 2023 3:11PM
Addressed some of the comments in the file and changed their colour when imo they were solved.

Fletcher Boyd Fri 14 Jul 2023 4:27AM
@renae re: the list of first aiders. There'd definitely be some administrative burden in maintaining such a list so I'd be interested to hear if you have any ideas on what we'd do with the information. A couple of ideas I've thought of:
- Requiring at least one first aider on site when running events
- Listing it as one of the badges on the webcam presence list

Fletcher Boyd Fri 14 Jul 2023 4:27AM
(I added this as a note to the draft but realised this is probably a better place to actually discuss stuff)

Renae Currie Fri 14 Jul 2023 11:04AM
@Fletcher one of the webcam badges is a good idea, but i was just thinking a physical list people could add their own name to

Fletcher Boyd Fri 14 Jul 2023 11:08AM
Seems easy enough to maintain. If you foresee a use for it then imo let's go ahead

Fletcher Boyd Fri 28 Jul 2023 3:28AM
We've closed this one out as a miscommunication

Lewis Yip Fri 28 Jul 2023 2:23AM
Thanks to Fletcher and Renae who closed out all the comments on the draft on Monday night.
I think the next actions are:
Test run the induction with a volunteer
Print out a nice copy of the code of conduct to display in the foyer
Label all machines which require a tool induction to use
Label all machines which require competency check to use

Lewis Yip Tue 8 Aug 2023 12:45AM
RE labelling machines which require a competency check, Lake Monger Community Shed (LMCS) uses a system of coloured dot stickers to classify their tools by training required. This is simple and easy to apply (a roll of dot stickers is $10 from Officeworks).
My thoughts are to implement a "traffic light" system.
Tools which need a full tool induction get a nice big red label which says that in words.
Tools which only need a competency check get a yellow sticker.
Tools which are OK for anyone to use get a green sticker.
This is very memorable and easy to explain ("We use a "traffic light colours" system to classify our tools....") and easy to apply.
I think the thing we do need is some hardcopy documentation (printed and ready to hand) RE the safe operation of the various tools. I get regularly caught out when I get asked to help people use tools I haven't really used a lot myself. We don't need to write these ourselves (we can plagiarise, e.g. from LMCS - as an example)
If this plan sounds OK, the actions would be:
Get some coloured dot stickers
Plagiarise and print some safe work procedures for the various tools, mount these nearby the relevant tools.

Renae Currie Tue 8 Aug 2023 5:23AM
Sounds good. I think the SWPs are pretty similar at other sheds and schools that I've seen.
Action items to make a list of all tools (update wiki too) and decide what category each should be in? Did you and Spondy start on this?

Lewis Yip Tue 15 Aug 2023 3:56PM
The SWP's all appear to come from Men's Sheds WA. They are free to use.

Lewis Yip Tue 8 Aug 2023 7:55AM
I think the list of tools that matter for this purpose (what will be the "red" and "yellow" traffic light categories) is baked into the induction checklist and it makes sense to maintain it there.
A list of tools is also valuable for advertising purposes (shows potential members what type they will get access to) but requires more work to maintain than we have historically been able to sustain. This could be a good project for "work on the workshop Saturday".

Lewis Yip Mon 13 May 2024 6:08PM
This thread has essentially been superceded by our introduction of the green/yellow/red tool categories and the new training procedure. Closing.
Lewis Yip · Tue 11 Jul 2023 3:07AM
Note addition - How do we bring existing members up to this training standard? (Do we require all members to retroactively do this induction?)